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THE PHARAOH'S TREASURE: The Origin of Paper and the Rise of Western Civilization John Gaudet Hardbound 1908030 $5.95
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GLADIATORS 4TH-1ST CENTURIES BC: Elite 246 Francois Gilbert Paperbound 7694466 $11.95
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THE MAYAS: History and Treasures of an Ancient Civilization Paperbound 7963041 $5.95
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ANTIOCHUS THE GREAT Michael Taylor Paperbound 7844913 $7.95
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CONFESSIONS OF AN EGYPTOLOGIST: Lost Libraries, Vanished Labyrinths & the Astonishing Truth Under the Saqqara Pyramids Erich von Daniken Paperbound 484579X Price cut to $11.95
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THE KOMNENE DYNASTY: Byzantium's Struggle for Survival 1057-1185 John Carr Hardbound 7864477 Price cut to $7.95
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WHO'S WHO IN THE AGE OF ALEXANDER AND HIS SUCCESSORS: From Chaironeia to Ipsos (338-301 BC) Waldemar Heckel Hardbound 7758316 $9.95
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THE DANUBE FRONTIER: Roman Conquests Michael Schmitz Hardbound 192219X $9.95
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ALEXANDER THE GREAT: From His Death to the Present Day John Boardman Paperbound 7795815 $5.95
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PERSIANS: The Age of the Great Kings Lloyd Llewellyn-Jones Paperbound 7955626 $16.95
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THE BOOK OF FIVE RINGS Miyamoto Musashi Hardbound 4945247 $9.95
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THE RISE OF THE SIKH SOLDIER: The Sikh Warrior Through the Ages, C.1700-1900 Gurinder Singh Mann Paperbound 1979841 Price cut to $15.95
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A FATAL THING HAPPENED ON THE WAY TO THE FORUM: Murder in Ancient Rome Emma Southon Paperbound 1905805 $13.95
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IN THE SHADOW OF THE GODS: The Emperor in World History Dominic Lieven Hardbound 1968688 $14.95
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CLEOPATRA: Her History, Her Myth Francine Prose Hardbound 7738005 Price cut to $11.95
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CANNABIS: Lost Sacrament of the Ancient World Chris Bennett Paperbound 7866119 Price cut to $15.95
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BEFORE AUGUSTUS: The Collapse of the Roman Republic Natale Barca Hardbound 7866690 $29.95
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CRASSUS: The First Tycoon Peter Stothard Paperbound 7926464 Price cut to $11.95
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SEXTUS JULIUS FRONTINUS AND THE ROMAN EMPIRE John D. Grainger Hardbound 7950683 Price cut to $34.95
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THE LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT OF ALEXANDER THE GREAT: The Truth Behind the Death That Changed the Graeco-Persian World Forever David Grant Hardbound 7845421 Price cut to $14.95
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INSANE EMPERORS, SUNKEN CITIES, AND EARTHQUAKE MACHINES: More Frequently Asked Questions About the Ancient Greeks and Romans Garrett Ryan Paperbound 7931352 Price cut to $14.95
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THE MAD EMPEROR: Heliogabalus and the Decadence of Rome Harry Sidebottom Hardbound 7747667 $21.95
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MESSALINA: Empress, Adultress, Libertine Honor Cargill-Martin Hardbound 7856199 Price cut to $19.95
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CATILINE: Rebel of the Roman Republic James T. Carney Hardbound 7925433 Price cut to $21.95
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MARCUS FURIUS CAMILLUS: The Life of Rome's Second Founder Marc Hyden Hardbound 7926073 Price cut to $21.95
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