Animal Stories & Lore
UNLIKELY HEROES: 37 Inspiring Stories of Courage and Heart from the Animal KingdomPaperbound$5.95 $13.95
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THE LAST DIVING HORSE IN AMERICA: Rescuing Gamal and Other Animals--Lessons in Living and LovingHardbound$6.95 $28.00
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JUST ONE MORE THING, DOC: Further Farmyard Adventures of a Maine VeterinarianPaperbound$13.95 $18.95
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BEASTLY: The 40,000-Year Story of Animals and UsHardbound$7.95 $28.00
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THE BOOK OF FLACO: The World's Most Famous BirdHardbound$17.95 $24.95
HOW TO READ A CHICKEN'S MIND: Understand How Chickens Learn, Perceive People, Express Emotions, and Pass Down KnowledgePaperbound$13.95 $18.99
BITE CLUB: Real-Life Attacks by Sharks and Other Killer PredatorsPaperbound, Adults Only$9.95 $16.99