Farm & Domesticated Animals
RAISING CHICKENS: The Essential Guide to Choosing and Keeping Happy, Healthy HensPaperbound$6.95 $19.99
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RAISING AND KEEPING DAIRY GOATS: A Practical GuidePaperbound$5.95 $19.95
HENTOPIA: Create a Hassle-Free Habitat for Happy ChickensPaperbound$6.95 $24.95
GROW YOUR OWN FOODPaperbound$5.95 $34.95
MINI GOATS: Everything You Need to Know to Keep Miniature Goats in the City, Country, or SuburbsPaperbound$5.95 $16.95
WHAT'S KILLING MY CHICKENS? The Poultry Predator Detective ManualPaperbound$4.95 $19.95
NATURAL PARASITE CONTROL FOR LIVESTOCK: Pasture Management, Chemical-Free Deworming, Growing Antiparasitics, and MorePaperbound$6.95 $16.99
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THE CHICKEN: A Natural HistoryPaperbound$5.95 $17.95
THE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO RAISING CHICKENS: How to Raise a Happy Backyard FlockPaperbound$12.95 $17.99
FOR CLUCK'S SAKE!Paperbound$5.95 $12.99
ESSENTIAL GUIDE TO CALVING: Giving Your Beef or Dairy Herd a Healthy StartPaperbound$6.95 $34.99
FARM MECHANICS: The Collector's 1922 EditionPaperbound$12.95 $16.99
LLAMAS & ALPACAS: Keeping a Small-Scale Camelid HerdPaperbound$4.95 $14.95
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THE GOAT: A Natural & Cultural HistoryHardbound$7.95 $27.95
BUZZ INTO BEEKEEPING: A Step-by-Step Guide to Becoming a Successful BeekeeperPaperbound$6.95 $16.99
THE CHICKEN CHICK'S GUIDE TO BACKYARD CHICKENS: Simple Steps for Healthy, Happy HensPaperbound$5.95 $19.99
IN PRAISE OF CHICKENS: A Compendium of Wisdom Fair and FowlHardbound$4.95 $14.95
AN ABSOLUTE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO RAISING BACKYARD TURKEYS: Varieties, Feeding, Shelter, CarePaperbound$13.95 $18.99
CHICKENS, SECOND EDITION: Tending a Small-Scale FlockPaperbound$5.95 $14.95
THE BEGINNER'S GUIDE TO RAISING GOATS: How to Keep a Happy HerdPaperbound$11.95 $14.99
COWPUPPY: An Unexpected Friendship and a Scientist's Journey into the Secret World of CowsHardbound$21.95 $29.99
GARDENING WITH CHICKENS: Plans and Plants for You and Your HensPaperbound$10.95 $22.99
DIDDLY SQUAT: Pigs Might FlyPaperbound$13.95 $17.99
KNOW YOUR PIGSPaperbound$4.95 $6.95
THE ROOTED LIFE: Cultivating Health & Wholeness Through Growing Your Own FoodHardbound$6.95 $28.00
WHAT THE CHICKEN KNOWS: A New Appreciation of the World's Most Familiar BirdHardbound$17.95 $21.99
BLOOMS & DREAMS: Cultivating Wellness, Generosity & a Connection to the LandHardbound$7.95 $35.00
CITY GOATS: The Goat Justice League's Guide to Backyard Goat KeepingPaperbound$13.95 $17.95
FOWL PLAY: A History of the Chicken from Dinosaur to Dinner PlateHardboundPrice cut to $17.95 $27.99
YARD BIRDS: The Lives and Times of America's Urban ChickensPaperbound$14.95 $24.95
WHAT THE CLUCK? The Omlet Guide to Keeping ChickensHardbound$7.95 $22.99
KEEPING PIGS: A Practical Guide for SmallholdersPaperbound$21.95 $29.99
THE SECRET LIFE OF PIGS: Stories of Compassion and the Animal Save MovementPaperbound$7.95 $24.95
LET'S ALL KEEP CHICKENS! The Down-to-Earth Guide to Natural Practices for Healthier Birds and a Happier WorldPaperboundPrice cut to $7.95 $16.99
PIG YEARSPaperbound$12.95 $18.00
TAKING STOCK: A Journey Among CowsPaperboundPrice cut to $5.95 $17.95
THE FARM ANIMAL MOVEMENT: Effective Altruism, Venture Philanthropy, and the Fight to End Factory Farming in AmericaPaperbound$14.95 $19.95
MY CHICKEN FAMILY: A Keepsake AlbumHardboundPrice cut to $7.95 $16.00
CHICKEN KEEPING PURE + SIMPLE: A Fun, Friendly Guide to Backyard Chicken KeepingPaperbound$17.95 $24.99
CULTIVATED MEAT TO SECURE OUR FUTURE: Hope for Animals, Food Security, and the EnvironmentPaperbound$9.95 $19.95
THE BACKYARD CHICKEN KEEPER'S BIBLE: Discover Chicken Breeds, Behavior, Coops, Eggs, and MoreHardbound$33.95
HOW TO READ A CHICKEN'S MIND: Understand How Chickens Learn, Perceive People, Express Emotions, and Pass Down KnowledgePaperbound$13.95 $18.99
StockSTOREY'S ILLUSTRATED BREED GUIDE TO SHEEP, GOATS, CATTLE, AND PIGSPaperbound$6.95 $24.95Item #: 9103449Currently backordered.