Car Collecting
THE NEXTGEN GUIDE TO CAR COLLECTING: How to Buy, Sell, Live with & Love a Collectible CarPaperbound$6.95 $29.99
MAHY: A Family of CarsHardbound$19.95 $55.00
MY DAD HAD THAT CAR: A Nostalgic Look at the American Automobile, 1920-1990Hardbound$27.95 $37.00
50 ULTIMATE SPORTS CARS: 1910s to PresentHardbound$25.95
BUILT FOR ADVENTURE: The Classic Automobiles of Clive Cussler and Dirk PittHardbound$13.95 $50.00
ADVENTURES IN FERRARI LANDHardboundPrice cut to $109.95 $150.00
JAY LENO: Certified Car NutDVD$5.95