Notable Military Units
GOING BACK THE WAY THEY CAMEHardbound$6.95 $35.00
"I WILL GIVE THEM ONE MORE SHOT:" Ramsey's 1st Regiment Georgia VolunteersHardbound$6.95 $45.00
SILENT CAVALRY: How Union Soldiers from Alabama Helped Sherman Burn Atlanta--And Then Got Written Out of HistoryPaperbound$17.95 $25.00
THE US MARINE CORPS 1775-1859: Elite 251Paperbound$12.95 $21.00
THREE CHEERS FOR THE CHESAPEAKE! History of the 4th Maryland Light Artillery Battery in the Civil WarHardbound$12.95 $34.99
WE FOUGHT AT GETTYSBURG: Firsthand Accounts by the Survivors of the 17th Connecticut Volunteer InfantryHardbound$27.95 $38.95
SHERMAN'S WOODTICKS: The Adventures, Ordeals, and Travels of the Eighth Minnesota Volunteer Infantry During the Civil WarPaperbound$19.95 $24.00
THUNDERBOLT TO THE REBELS: The United States Sharpshooters in the Civil WarHardbound$26.95 $34.95