Container Gardening
CONTAINER GARDENING COMPLETE: Creative Projects for Growing Vegetables and Flowers in Small SpacesHardbound$7.95 $30.00
CAN I GROW POTATOES IN POTS? A Gardener's Collection of Handy Hints to Grow Your Own FoodHardbound$6.95 $19.99
CREATIVE TERRARIUMS: 33 Modern Mini-Gardens for Your HomePaperbound$5.95 $19.99
THE CONTAINER GARDEN RECIPE BOOK: 57 Designs for Pots, Window Boxes, Hanging Baskets, and MoreHardbound$7.95 $30.00
MICRO FOOD GARDENING: Project Plans and Plants for Growing Fruits and Veggies in Tiny SpacesPaperbound$6.95 $26.99
THE CONTAINER VICTORY GARDEN: A Beginners Guide to Growing Your Own GroceriesPaperbound$7.95 $28.99
GROW CONTAINERS: Essential Know-How and Expert Advice for Gardening SuccessPaperbound$6.95 $12.99
CLEMATIS FOR SMALL SPACESHardbound$7.95 $34.95
POTTED: Make Your Own Stylish Garden ContainersPaperbound$5.95 $19.95
VERTICAL GARDENING: Green Ideas for Small Gardens, Balconies and PatiosPaperboundPrice cut to $14.95 $24.00
CONTAINER AND FRAGRANT GARDENS: Home Grown GardeningPaperbound$5.95 $18.99
CONTAINER GARDENING: The Permaculture WayPaperbound$14.95 $19.95
HOME HYDROPONICS: Small-Space DIY Growing SystemsPaperbound$12.95 $27.99
THE SUCCULENTS DESIGN BOOK: Container Combinations That Look Great and Thrive Together Year-RoundPaperboundPrice cut to $11.95 $19.99