Notable Military Units
KANGAROO SQUADRON: American Courage in the Darkest Days of World War IIHardbound$5.95 $28.00
ROME TO THE PO RIVER: The 362nd Infantry Division, 1944-45Hardbound$7.95 $45.00
VALIANT WOMEN: The Extraordinary American Servicewomen Who Helped Win World War IIHardbound$9.95 $32.99
40 THIEVES ON SAIPAN: The Elite Marine Scout-Snipers in One of WWII's Bloodiest BattlesPaperbound$6.95 $16.99
THUNDERBOLTS TRIUMPHANT: The 362nd Fighter Group vs Germany's WehrmachtHardbound$7.95 $37.95
PANZER LEADER: Memoirs of an Armoured Car Commander 1944-1945Paperbound$5.95 $22.95
THE 350TH FIGHTER GROUP: In the Mediterranean Campaign 2 November 1942 to 2 May 1945Paperbound$6.95 $19.95
IN THE RANKS OF DEATH: The Irish in the Second World WarHardbound$6.95 $39.95
FIFTY-THREE DAYS ON STARVATION ISLAND: The World War II Battle That Saved Marine Corps AviationHardbound$25.95 $34.00
DERRICKS' BRIDGEHEADHardbound$6.95 $37.95
FIRST TO FIGHT: The U.S. Marines in World War IHardbound$5.95 $32.95
MARINE RAIDERS: The True Story of the Legendary WWII BattalionsHardbound$7.95 $29.99
THE FORCE: The Legendary Special Ops Unit and WWII's Mission ImpossiblePaperbound$5.95 $18.99
WAR STORIES III: The Heroes Who Defeated HitlerPaperbound$4.95 $18.99
THE RANGER FORCE: Darby's Rangers in World War IIPaperbound$4.95 $24.95
THE MARINES IN WORLD WAR IIHardbound$6.95 $27.99
DAYS OF PERFECT HELLHardbound$9.95 $29.99
SPEARHEAD OF THE FIFTH ARMYHardbound$6.95 $32.95
WARRIORS OF THE 106TH: The Last Infantry Division of World War IIHardbound$7.95 $32.95
CLEARING THE WAY: U.S. Army Engineers in World War IIHardbound$21.95 $29.95
WAFFEN-SS: Hitler's Elite in PhotographsPaperbound$9.95 $29.95
ELITE GERMAN DIVISIONS IN WORLD WAR II: Waffen-SS, Fallschirmjager, Mountain TroopsHardbound$9.95 $29.95
MOUNTAIN TROOPS OF THE WAFFEN-SS 1941-1945Hardbound$7.95 $24.95
THE WINTER ARMY: The World War II Odyssey of the 10th Mountain Division, America's Elite Alpine WarriorsHardbound$5.95 $28.00
SOARING TO GLORY: A Tuskegee Airman's Firsthand Account of World War IIPaperbound$5.95 $16.99
THE 14TH FIGHTER GROUP IN WORLD WAR IIHardbound$14.95 $45.00
SUPREMACY AT SEA: Task Force 58 and the Central Pacific VictoryHardbound$21.95 $30.00
X TROOP: The Secret Jewish Commandos Who Helped Defeat the NazisPaperbound$7.95 $17.99
CODENAME NEMO: The Hunt for a Nazi U-Boat and the Elusive Enigma MachineHardbound$21.95 $32.99
ICE CRUSADERS: A Memoir of Cold War and Cold SportPaperbound$5.95 $16.95
CUSTER'S BEST: The Story of Company M, 7th Cavalry at the Little BighornHardbound$24.95 $69.99
SPECIAL FORCES IN WORLD WAR IIPaperbound$9.95 $29.95
A WING AND A PRAYER: The "Bloody 100th" Bomb Group of the US Eighth Air Force in Action over Europe in World War IIPaperbound$18.95 $22.99
THE 356TH FIGHTER GROUP IN WORLD WAR II: In Action over Europe with the P-47 and P-51Hardbound$21.95 $59.95
SS-HEIMWEHR DANZIG IN POLAND 1939Hardbound$9.95 $29.95
THE GERMAN INFANTRYMAN ON THE EASTERN FRONT: Men, Battles, WeaponsPaperbound$21.95 $28.95
CZECHOSLOVAK ARMIES 1939-45: Men-at-Arms 554PaperboundPrice cut to $9.95 $20.00
THE MOSQUITO BOWL: A Game of Life and Death in World War IIPaperboundPrice cut to $4.95 $21.99
PANZER CREWMAN: Casemate IllustratedPaperbound$21.95 $28.95
MEN OF ARMOR: The History of B Company, 756th Tank Battalion in World War IIHardbound$7.95 $34.95
THE TWILIGHT RIDERS: The Last Charge of the 26th CavalryHardbound$5.95 $24.95
"HERMANN GORING": From Regiment to FallschirmpanzerkorpsHardbound$9.95 $29.95
STURMTRUPPEN: WWI German Stormtroopers (1914-1918)HardboundPrice cut to $16.95 $49.95
NAZI HUNTERS: The Heroes Who Defeated HitlerDVD$5.95
RUSSIANS IN THE WAFFEN-SSHardbound$9.95 $29.99
DEATH RATTLERS: Marine Squadron VMF-323 over OkinawaHardbound$18.95 $49.95
THE 11TH WAFFEN-SS: Freiwilligen Panzergrenadier Division "Nordland"Hardbound$39.95
ANGELS AGAINST THE SUN: A WWII Saga of Grunts, Grit, and BrotherhoodPaperbound$17.95 $24.99
CAVALRY OF THE WEHRMACHT, 1941-1945Hardbound$9.95 $29.95
82ND AIRBORNE: Normandy 1944PaperboundPrice cut to $3.95 $16.95
NEVER A DULL MOMENT: The 80th Airborne Anti-Aircraft Artillery Battalion in World War IIHardbound$26.95 $34.95
SUPPORTING TUNNELLING OPERATIONS IN THE GREAT WAR: The Alphabet CompanyPaperboundPrice cut to $7.95 $28.95
MACARTHUR'S BLOODY BUTCHERS: Company G, 163rd Infantry Regiment, in the Pacific WarHardbound$26.95 $34.95
THE LOST PARATROOPERS OF NORMANDY: A Story of Resistance, Courage, and Solidarity in a French VillageHardbound$17.95 $24.95
THE SOVIET INFANTRYMAN ON THE EASTERN FRONT: Men, Battles, WeaponsPaperboundPrice cut to $13.95 $28.95
FIGHTING THE NIGHT: Iwo Jima, World War II, and a Flyer's LifeHardboundPrice cut to $19.95 $32.00
HITLER'S SECRET COMMANDOS: Operations of the K-VerbandPaperboundPrice cut to $5.95 $29.95
BROTHERS IN ARMS: Churchill's Special Forces During WWII's Darkest HourHardboundPrice cut to $17.95 $28.00
POLISH AIR FORCE FIGHTER AIRCRAFT 1943-45: On the Offensive, D-Day and Victory in EuropeHardbound$32.95 $44.95
A PHOTOGRAPHIC HISTORY OF INFANTRY WARFARE 1939-1945HardboundPrice cut to $9.95 $34.95
LEADING THE WAY TO VICTORY: A History of the 60th Troop Carrier Group 1940-1945Hardbound$14.95 $35.00
THE SPRAY AND PRAY SQUADRON: 3rd Bomb Squadron, 1st Bomb Group, Chinese-American Composite Wing in World War IIHardboundPrice cut to $34.95
SOVIET COMBAT DIVERS IN WORLD WAR IIHardboundPrice cut to $11.95 $34.99
THE VIKING BATTALION: Norwegian American Ski Troopers in World War IIHardboundPrice cut to $19.95 $39.95
THE PSYCHO BOYS: How a Unit of Refugees, Artists, and Professors Fought Back Against the Third ReichHardboundPrice cut to $17.95 $27.95
THE DEFEAT OF THE DAMNED: The Destruction of the Dirlewanger Brigade at the Battle of Ipolysag, December 1944HardboundPrice cut to $21.95 $37.95
HITLER'S AIR BRIDGES: The Luftwaffe's Supply Operations of the Second World WarHardboundPrice cut to $19.95 $42.95
ANGELS AGAINST THE SUN: A WWII Saga of Grunts, Grit, and BrotherhoodHardbound$7.95 $34.99