Studies & Criticism
ROTTEN MOVIES WE LOVE: Cult Classics, Underrated Gems, and Films So Bad They're GoodPaperbound$7.95 $23.99
SLEAZE ARTISTS: Cinema at the Margins of Taste, Style, and PoliticsPaperbound$6.95 $29.95
THE STUDS TERKEL INTERVIEWS: Film and TheaterPaperbound$3.95 $16.95
CINEMATIC ILLUMINATIONS: The Middle Ages on FilmPaperbound$6.95 $37.00
FILM CULTURE READERPaperbound$4.95 $19.95
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PLANET OF THE APES: The Evolution of the LegendHardbound$8.95 $39.95
WITH LOVE, MOMMIE DEAREST: The Making of an Unintentional Camp ClassicPaperbound$15.95 $19.99
DAVID CRONENBERG: Every Movie, Every StarPaperbound$6.95 $21.95
DISASTER MON AMOURHardboundPrice cut to $3.95 $25.00
HOLLYWOOD PRESENTS JULES VERNE: The Father of Science Fiction on ScreenHardbound$27.95 $35.00
MUSIC IN THE SHADOWS: Noir Musical FilmsPaperbound$7.95 $32.95
CASABLANCA: Movies and MemoryPaperbound$5.95 $18.95
FRIGHTFEST GUIDE: Werewolf Movies, Vol. 4Paperbound$19.95 $24.95
GIANT LOVE: Edna Ferber, Her Best-Selling Novel of Texas, and the Making of a Classic American FilmHardbound$26.95 $35.00
THE WAY THEY WERE: How Epic Battles and Bruised Egos Brought a Classic Hollywood Love Story to the ScreenPaperbound$13.95 $18.95
THE THIRD MAN: The Official Story of the FilmHardbound$39.95 $50.00
THE SATANIC SCREEN: An Illustrated Guide to the Devil in CinemaPaperbound$25.95 $31.95
SAY HELLO TO MY LITTLE FRIEND: A Century of ScarfaceHardboundPrice cut to $17.95 $29.00
CORMAN / POE: Interviews and Essays Exploring the Making of Roger Corman's Edgar Allan Poe Films, 1960-1964Paperbound$22.95 $27.95
DAVID BOWIE: The Man Who Fell to EarthHardbound$25.95
MASCULINE SINGULAR: French New Wave CinemaHardbound$9.95 $99.95
WE ARE THE MUTANTS: The Battle for Hollywood from Rosemary's Baby to Lethal WeaponPaperbound$6.95 $14.95
KAIJU UNLEASHED: An Illustrated Guide to the World of Strange BeastsHardbound$21.95 $29.99
YEAR OF THE RING: An Unofficial Look Back at The Lord of the RingsHardbound$32.95 $45.00
REVOLUTION IN 35MM: Political Violence and Resistance in Cinema from the Arthouse to the Grindhouse, 1960-1990Paperbound$21.95 $29.95
JOHN FORD, REVISED EDITIONPaperbound$19.95 $24.95
HARD TO WATCH: How to Fall in Love with Difficult MoviesPaperbound$14.95 $19.95
CINEMA SPECULATIONPaperbound$16.95 $21.00
100 MOVIES OF THE 1980sHardbound$46.95
AESTHETIC DEVIATIONS: A Critical View of American Shot-on-Video Horror, 1984-1994Paperbound$22.95 $27.95
CAMP! The Story of the Attitude That Conquered the WorldHardbound$14.95 $24.95
"THE BLOODIEST THING THAT EVER HAPPENED IN FRONT OF A CAMERA": Conservative Politics and 'Porno Chic" and SnuffPaperbound, Adults Only$17.95 $21.95
Stock100 ALL-TIME FAVORITE MOVIES OF THE 20TH CENTURYHardbound$21.95Item #: 9127143Currently backordered.