Animal Behavior

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SEX AND THE SINGLE PANDA: The Revolting Pursuit of Love in the Animal Kingdom Dahlia Gallin Ramirez 7742800 Price cut to $2.95
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WILD MOMS: Motherhood in the Animal Kingdom Carin Bondar 788186X Price cut to $2.95
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KINSHIP WITH ALL LIFE J. Allen Boone 7942117 Price cut to $3.95
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ZOOBORNS: Motherly Love A. Bleiman & C. Eastland 7915160 $4.95
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ANIMAL BEAUTY: On the Evolution of Biological Aesthetics Christiane Nusslein-Volhard 4859766 $5.95
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ANIMAL WAYSHOWERS: The Lightworkers Ushering in 5D Consciousness Tammy Billups 7765665 Price cut to $5.95
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CAN FISH COUNT? What Animals Reveal About Our Uniquely Mathematical Minds Brian Butterworth 7846983 Price cut to $5.95
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MOUSY CATS AND SHEEPISH COYOTES: The Science of Animal Personalities John A. Shivik 7924208 $5.95
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MASTER PONGO: A Gorilla Conquers Europe Mustafa Haikal 7942494 $5.95
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WILD ANIMALS I HAVE KNOWN Ernest Thompson Seton 8041466 $5.95
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WILD SEX: The Science Behind Mating in the Animal Kingdom Carin Bondar 8056528 $5.95
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NURSERY EARTH: The Wondrous Lives of Baby Animals and the Extraordinary Ways They Shape Our World Danna Staaf 1175912 $6.95
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DANCING COCKATOOS AND THE DEAD MAN TEST: How Behavior Evolves and Why It Matters Marlene Zuk 7708319 Price cut to $7.95
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THE SOCIAL LIVES OF ANIMALS Ashley Ward 7998716 $7.95
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PENGUINS, SECOND EDITION: The Ultimate Guide Tui De Roy et al 607717X $9.95
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AMONG THE BONE EATERS: Encounters with Hyenas in Harar Marcus Baynes-Rock 7942346 $9.95
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SECRETS OF THE MANATEE: An Insider's Guide to Florida's Most Iconic Marine Mammal Diane Morgan 7822960 Price cut to $11.95
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WILDLIFE ANATOMY: The Curious Lives & Features of Wild Animals Around the World Julia Rothman with L. Hiley 789841X Price cut to $11.95
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THE REDEMPTION OF WOLF 302: From Renegade to Yellowstone Alpha Male Rick McIntyre 5483298 $13.95
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WATCH THE BEAR: A Half Century with the Brown Bears of Alaska Derek Stonorov 7788037 $14.95
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THE TRIALS OF LIFE: A Natural History of Animal Behaviour David Attenborough 7796390 Price cut to $14.95
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HORSEWATCHING: Why Does a Horse Whinny and Everything Else You Ever Wanted to Know Desmond Morris 7822936 $14.95
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AN IMMENSE WORLD: How Animal Senses Reveal the Hidden Realms Around Us Ed Yong 791055X $14.95
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DOGS DEMYSTIFIED: An A-to-Z Guide to All Things Canine Marc Bekoff 7937563 $14.95
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FOOTPRINTS IN THE WOODS: The Secret Life of Forest and Riverbank John Lister-Kaye 7909152 $17.95
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SEXUS ANIMALIS: There Is Nothing Unnatural in Nature Emmanuelle Pouydebat, illus. by J. Terrazzoni 4990048 $19.95
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ARCTIC FOX: Life at the Top of the World Garry Hamilton, photos by N. Rosing 781822X Price cut to $19.95
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COYOTES AMONG US: Secrets of the City's Top Predator Stanley D. Gehrt with K. Luft 1039040 $21.95
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THE INTERNET OF ANIMALS: Discovering the Collective Intelligence of Life on Earth Martin Wikelski 1604295 $21.95
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THE REDEMPTION OF WOLF 302: From Renegade to Yellowstone Alpha Male Rick McIntyre 4955293 $21.95
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THE HIDDEN LANGUAGE OF CATS: How They Have Us at Meow Sarah Brown 7943164 $21.95
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MANY THINGS UNDER A ROCK: The Mysteries of Octopuses David Scheel 7979401 $21.95
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TOOTH AND CLAW: Top Predators of the World Robert M. Johnson III et al 7835396 $29.95
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THE ANIMAL MIND: Profiles of Intelligence and Emotion Marianne Taylor 6196217 $31.95
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