Contemporary & Cutting Edge Fiction
VEXED 2: Twisted FaithPaperbound$6.95 $8.99
THE CROW VALLEY KARAOKE CHAMPIONSHIPSHardboundPrice cut to $4.95 $28.99
KUNSTLERS IN PARADISEHardbound$5.95 $27.99
E.O.S: End of SentencePaperboundPrice cut to $4.95 $8.99
OVERTHROWHardbound$5.95 $27.00
THE SUMMER OF LOST LETTERSPaperbound$7.95 $11.99
FASTERPaperbound, Large PrintPrice cut to $7.95 $21.95
THE SECRET MESSENGERPaperbound$9.95 $16.99
THE WHITTIERSPaperbound, Large Print$23.95 $31.00
GROUPIESPaperboundPrice cut to $6.95 $18.99
AMERICA FANTASTICAHardboundPrice cut to $11.95 $32.00
KENYATTA'S ESCAPEPaperboundPrice cut to $7.95 $16.95
THE LONELY ORPHANPaperbound$12.95 $16.99
INDEPENDENCE SQUAREHardboundPrice cut to $14.95 $26.99
DEATH VALLEYPaperbound, Large PrintPrice cut to $14.95 $21.95
KENYATTA'S LAST HITPaperboundPrice cut to $7.95 $16.95
MECCAHardboundPrice cut to $4.95 $28.00
THE ANTARCTICA OF LOVEHardboundPrice cut to $3.95 $27.00
THE DEVIL'S TREASUREHardboundPrice cut to $3.95 $35.00