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Title  Author Binding Item # Price  Info
FIERCE LITTLE THING Miranda Beverly-Whittemore Hardbound 7967071 Price cut to $3.95
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MY SWEET GIRL Amanda Jayatissa Hardbound 7967136 Price cut to $3.95
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SNAKESKINS Tim Major Paperbound 7967470 Price cut to $3.95
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RIP THE ANGELS FROM HEAVEN David Krugler Hardbound 7986564 Price cut to $3.95
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A SPY IN THE STRUGGLE Aya de Leon Paperbound 7986580 Price cut to $3.95
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THE BABYSITTER Sheryl Browne Paperbound 4741242 Price cut to $2.95
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BACK FROM THE BRINK Emery Hayes Hardbound 7789645 Price cut to $2.95
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DON'T GET CLOSE Matt Miksa Hardbound 7789866 $2.95
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WATCH HER FALL Erin Kelly Hardbound 7848633 Price cut to $2.95
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WOMAN OF GOD James Patterson & M. Paetro Audio Book 7864787 Price cut to $2.95
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THE THREE BETHS Jeff Abbott Paperbound 7878613 $2.95
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NOSTALGIC BLOOD J. Crockett Paperbound 7911602 Price cut to $1.95
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