Legendary Beings & Creatures
UNNATURAL OHIO: A History of Buckeye Cryptids, Legends & Other MysteriesPaperbound$17.95 $24.99
MAGICAL FOLK: The History of FairiesPaperbound$12.95 $16.95
MANSON AND DRACULA: Closer Than We ThinkDVDPrice cut to $3.95 $19.95
SCARY MONSTERS AND SUPER CREEPS: In Search of the World's Most Hideous BeastsPaperboundPrice cut to $3.95 $17.99
VAN HELSING VS. DRACULADVDPrice cut to $5.95 $19.95
TALES AND LEGENDS OF THE DEVIL: The Many Guises of the Primal ShapeshifterHardbound$24.95 $30.00
SEVEN GODDESSES OF THE HELLENISTIC WORLD: Ancient Worship for Modern TimesPaperbound$12.95 $17.99
FAIRY SPELLS: Seeing and Communicating with the FairiesHardbound$12.95 $16.95
A HISTORY OF THE UNDEAD: Mummies, Vampires and ZombiesPaperbound$13.95 $28.95
DRAGONS AND SERPENTS: Earth Mysteries and the Time of ChangePaperboundPrice cut to $9.95 $14.99