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FLIGHT OF THE DIAMOND SMUGGLERS: A Tale of Pigeons, Obsession, and Greed Along Coastal South Africa Matthew Gavin Frank Paperbound 4964977 $5.95
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OTTERS DANCE: A Rancher's Journey to Enlightenment and Stewardship Bob Budd Paperbound 7730756 Price cut to $5.95
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HURRICANE LIZARDS AND PLASTIC SQUID: The Fraught and Fascinating Biology of Climate Change Thor Hanson Paperbound 7747349 Price cut to $5.95
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SPRING WILDFLOWERS OF THE NORTHEAST: A Natural History Carol Gracie Paperbound 779603X Price cut to $5.95
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AMBER: The Natural Time Capsule Andrew Ross Paperbound 7807775 $5.95
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BLUEBIRD SEASONS: Witnessing Climate Change in My Piece of the Wild Mary Taylor Young Paperbound 7826729 Price cut to $5.95
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50 THINGS TO DO IN THE WILD Richard Skrein Hardbound 7827776 Price cut to $5.95
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50 THINGS TO DO AT THE BEACH Easkey Britton Hardbound 7846800 Price cut to $5.95
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LEAF PEEPING: Pocket Nature Erin Vivid Riley Hardbound 7886489 Price cut to $5.95
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RED SUMMER: The Danger, Madness, and Exaltation of Salmon Fishing in a Remote Alaskan Village Bill Carter Paperbound 7942214 $5.95
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THE BOOK OF UNCONFORMITIES: Speculations on Lost Time Hugh Raffles Hardbound 7945957 Price cut to $5.95
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THE DRAW OF THE SEA Wyl Menmuir Hardbound 7954433 $5.95
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WAKING UP IN EDEN: In Pursuit of an Impassioned Life on an Imperiled Island Lucinda Fleeson Paperbound 7971974 $5.95
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INVASIVE ALIENS: The Plants and Animals from over There That Are over Here Dan Eatherley Paperbound 7681860 $4.95
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A LIFE ON OUR PLANET: My Witness Statement and a Vision for the Future David Attenborough Hardbound 7831153 Price cut to $4.95
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NOWHERE LEFT TO GO: How Climate Change Is Driving Species to the Ends of the Earth Benjamin Von Brackel Hardbound 7843038 Price cut to $4.95
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THE DEVIL NEVER SLEEPS: Learning to Live in an Age of Disasters Juliette Kayyem Hardbound 7847084 $4.95
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HOLLYWOOD'S DIRTIEST SECRET: The Hidden Environmental Costs of the Movies Hunter Vaughan Paperbound 7850433 Price cut to $4.95
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DISPOSABLE CITY: Miami's Future on the Shores of Climate Change Catastrophe Mario Alejandro Ariza Hardbound 7915039 Price cut to $4.95
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THE SOUND OF THE SEA: Seashells and the Fate of the Oceans Cynthia Barnett Paperbound 1987372 Price cut to $3.95
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WRITTEN IN WATER: Messages of Hope for Earth's Most Precious Resource Edited by Irena Salina Hardbound 4757262 $3.95
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GREAT PLAINS WEATHER Kenneth F. Dewey Paperbound 7772998 $3.95
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LOOKING UP: The True Adventures of a Storm-Chasing Weather Nerd Matthew Cappucci Hardbound 7798288 Price cut to $3.95
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HOLDING BACK THE RIVER: The Struggle Against Nature on America's Waterways Tyler J. Kelley Paperbound 786325X Price cut to $3.95
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ONCE UPON A TIME WE ATE ANIMALS: The Future of Food Roanne van Voorst Hardbound 7863713 Price cut to $3.95
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THE OAK PAPERS James Canton Paperbound 7883250 $3.95
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WILTED WINGS: A Hunter's Fight for Eagles Mike McTee Paperbound 7703732 Price cut to $1.95
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