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FIRST BLOOD IN NORTH AFRICA: Operation Torch and the U.S. Campaign in Africa in World War II Jon Diamond Paperbound 4983785 Price cut to $4.95
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HERMANN GOERING IN THE FIRST WORLD WAR: The Personal Photograph Albums of Hermann Goering Blaine Taylor Hardbound 4986326 Price cut to $5.95
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POLISH ARMOURED TRAINS 1921-1939, VOL. 2 Adam Jonca Paperbound 4992903 $19.95
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HERMANN GOERING: From Secret Luftwaffe to Hossbach War Conference 1935-37 Blaine Taylor Hardbound 1972782 $9.95
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E.J. HUGHES: Canadian War Artist Robert Amos Hardbound 7755783 Price cut to $14.95
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HITLER'S DEATH TRAINS: Images of War Ian Baxter Paperbound 792545X $19.95
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