Police Procedurals

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Title  Author Binding Item # Price  Info
THE SHADOWS OF MEN Abir Mukherjee Hardbound 7966962 $5.95
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SIBANDA AND THE BLACK SPARROW HAWK C.M. Elliott Paperbound 7848404 $3.95
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BACK FROM THE BRINK Emery Hayes Hardbound 7789645 Price cut to $2.95
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THE RIGHT TO REMAIN SILENT Charles Brandt Paperbound 7816677 $3.95
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UNDER PRESSURE Sara Driscoll Hardbound 7927630 Price cut to $3.95
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THE BLIND Shelley Coriell Paperbound 7914814 $4.95
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LET X BE THE MURDERER Clifford Witting Paperbound 7930437 $11.95
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THE LAVA WITCH Debra Bokur Paperbound 7857497 Price cut to $4.95
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