Legendary Beings & Creatures
BEWARE THE BANSHEE'S CRY: The Folklore & History of Messengers of DeathPaperbound$13.95 $18.99
FAIRIES: A Celebration of Pixies, Spirits, Nymphs and BrowniesHardbound$14.95 $19.99
WELSH FAIRIES: A Guide to the Lore, Legends, Denizens & Deities of the OtherworldPaperbound$14.95 $19.99
CELTIC FAIRIES IN NORTH AMERICA: Pagan PortalsPaperbound$9.95 $12.95
THE LITTLE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF ENCHANTED WOODLAND CREATURES: An A-to-Z Guide to Mythical Beings of the ForestHardbound$12.95 $18.00
APPALACHIAN FOLKLORE UNVEILED: Mysterious Happenings of Folk Spirits and Mystic Shades From the Ancient FoothillsHardbound$14.95 $19.99
PHANTOM PHENOMENA: Tales of the World's Most Terrifying and Supernatural EventsHardbound$14.95 $19.99