In 1858, Charles Dodgson photographed six year old Alice Liddell with a Thomas Ottewill Registered Folding camera. Winchester deftly uses the resulting image--as unsettling as it is famous--as the vehicle for a brief excursion behind the lens, a focal point on the origins of a literary classic.
Format: Hardbound
Publisher: Oxford
ISBN: 9780195396195
Item #: 7831684
Published at $16.95
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Author’s Other Titles
KNOWING WHAT WE KNOW: The Transmission of Knowledge, from Ancient Wisdom to Modern MagicPaperbound$24.95 $39.00
KNOWING WHAT WE KNOW: The Transmission of Knowledge from Ancient Wisdom to Modern MagicHardbound$7.95 $35.00
KNOWING WHAT WE KNOW: The Transmission of Knowledge from Ancient Wisdom to Modern MagicPaperbound$16.95 $21.99