THE GODS WERE ASTRONAUTS: The Extraterrestrial Identity of the Old Gods Revealed
Propounds and offers persuasive evidence that the winged angels populating the Bible, Koran, and other religious texts from cultures the world over were in reality extraterrestrials who visited the Earth in ages long past. Intellectually challenging and provocative, these findings may shake the foundations of both science and faith. Illus.
Format: Paperbound
Pages: 281
Publisher: New Page Books
Publishing status: Current
ISBN: 9781637480007
Item #: 7880111

Author’s Other Titles
WAR OF THE GODS: Alien Skulls, Underground Cities, and Fire from the SkyPaperbound$12.95 $17.95
ASTRONAUT GODS OF THE MAYA: Extraterrestrial Technologies in the Temples and SculpturesPaperbound$17.95 $22.00
CONFESSIONS OF AN EGYPTOLOGIST: Lost Libraries, Vanished Labyrinths & the Astonishing Truth Under the Saqqara PyramidsPaperbound$11.95 $18.95