THE WRITER'S JOURNEY: In the Footsteps of the Literary Greats
Explores 35 influential journeys taken by literary greats and reveals the repercussions of those travels on the authors' personal lives and the broader literary landscape. Well illustrated most in color.
Format: Hardbound
Pages: 224
Publisher: White Lion
ISBN: 9780711268722
Item #: 8168946
Published at $32.00
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Author’s Other Titles
ATLAS OF UNEXPECTED PLACES: Haphazard Discoveries, Chance Places and Unimaginable DestinationsPaperbound$11.95 $15.00
ATLAS OF FORGOTTEN PLACES: Journeys to Abandoned and Deserted Destinations Around the GlobePaperbound$11.95 $15.00
ATLAS OF VANISHING PLACES: The Lost Worlds as They Were and as They Are TodayPaperbound$11.95 $15.00