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UNICORNS, HYPE, AND BUBBLES: A Guide to Spotting, Avoiding, and Exploiting Investment Bubbles in Tech

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Published at $20.00 Your Price $14.95 (Save $5.05)

UNICORNS, HYPE, AND BUBBLES: A Guide to Spotting, Avoiding, and Exploiting Investment Bubbles in Tech

New technologies are an investment mine field. Putting money behind them means taking a risk on unproven ventures. While some will lead to financial gains, many others turn out to be mere bubbles. The author arms the reader with the tools required to differentiate between bubbles and genuine, sustainable technological revolutions.

Format: Paperbound
Pages: 227
Publisher: Harriman House
Publishing status: Current
ISBN: 9781804090886
Item #: 9061088

Published at $20.00 Your Price $14.95 (Save $5.05)

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